Useful Links

The Near Death Experience

Near Death Experiences and the Afterlife

An excellent source of information pertaining to the near Near Death Experience (NDE).

P.M.H. Atwater

One of the original researchers in the field of near-death studies, P.M.H. Atwater began her work in 1978.

International Association. for Near-Death Studies

Information about the Near Death Experience (NDE) and support for those who have experienced one.

Dannion Brinkley

During the longest ever clinically documented near death experience (in 1975) Dannion was shown 117 major world events that would take place in the future. Almost all of these very specific events have now occured ! Dannion’s life is devoted to support of the dying and to the establishment of “centres” where people can touch their own spiritual essence.

Dr Raymond Moody

The website of best selling author Raymond Moody focuses on his wonderfully inspiring books about the nead death experience.

Dr Melvin Morse

A pediatrician and neuroscientist who has spent over fifteen years studying the NDEs of children.

Near Death Research Foundation

The comprehensive Website of an organisation involved in the research of the Near Death Experience

Victor Zammit

A fascinating and extremely well researched web site where Victor Zammit, a respected Lawyer, Presents the Case for the Afterlife



Afterlife Exploration

The Monroe Institute.

Research institution that explores human consciousness using Hemi-Sync (sound) technology. This technology enables exploration of non-physical realms.

Afterlife Knowledge

Excellent Website of Bruce Moen, author and leading authority on afterlife exploration. Bruce offers exciting workshops that enable ordinary people to voyage into the afterlife and gain verification of the reality of their experiences.

William Buhlman

This website by leading author William Buhlman examines Out of Body Experiences and offers techniques that can initiate these experiences.

Psychomanteums and Scrying

Most people can have reunions with departed loved ones when a number of simple steps are followed.

Instrumental Transcommunication

Numerous groups around the world are conducting experiments in Afterlife communication using electronic means. This website offers a facinating look at these methods.

Out of Body Research Foundation

An organisation involved in the research of Out of Body Experiences.

After Death Communication Research Foundation

An organisation involved in researching the validity of communications with the Afterlife.

Victor Zammit

A fascinating and extremely well researched web site where Victor Zammit, a respected Lawyer, Presents the Case for the Afterlife



Past Lives & Reincarnation

Brian L. Weiss

Author of Many Lives Many Masters demonstrates how afflictions taking place in this life can sometimes have their roots in a former lifetime.

Childrens Past Lives

The website of author Carol Bowman looks at the facinating memories that young children often posess of a former physical lifetime.

Past Life Healing

An interesting site with information about healing the effects from past lives.

In Another Life - Reincarnation in America

A fascinating full-length documenary on reincarnation by Steve Sakellarios viewable with Real Audio

Victor Zammit

A fascinating and extremely well researched web site where Victor Zammit, a respected Lawyer, Presents the Case for the Afterlife



Radio Programs on Paranormal

Art Bell

Late Night Talk Radio programme, offering an excellent selection of Paranormal topics which are discussed on this very popular show.

Laura Lee

Talk radio programme that discusses Ancient Mysteries and the Paranormal.

Jeff Rense

Talk radio programme that discusses UFOs and the Paranormal



Alternative News

Nexus Magazine

An international bi-monthly alternative news magazine, covering the fields of - Health Alternatives; Suppressed Science; Earth's Ancient Past; UFOs & the Unexplained; and Government Cover-Ups.