Introducing Mike Pettigrew's THE SECRETS OF SUCCESS Mentoring Program
- Get a Full Year of Mentorship from the World's Leading Goal Achievement Expert -

Includes 12 of Mike's best success courses for the price of one!

Signup for THE SECRETS OF SUCCESS and get an entire new COURSE every single month.
Yes, you read that correctly, an entire new SUCCESS COURSE every month. Not just a new video. Not a new module; not a bunch of lame interviews.
This is a very special syllabus, where you get an ENTIRE new training COURSE every month, full of training and tools to fast-track your success over the next 12 months!
These are the success strategies, tools and techniques that have been scientifically proved to work.
People have paid over $3,600 to access all these programs before.
You get immediate access to training and software right now worth $832, and then you get a new course every single month. Access the courses as long as you're a member. Cancel anytime.
A New World-Class Success Course, Unlocked Every Single Month!
Join THE SECRETS OF SUCCESS now and get immediate access to these trainings and software worth $832!

The Last 4 Live Trainings ($388 Value)
Get Immediate Access to the Past 4 Months Live Trainings from Mike's THE SECRETS OF SUCCESS mentoring program.
Discover the success secrets, habits, tools, and shortcuts that have been scientifically proved to work.
Reduce stress and overwhelm, create a millionaire mind, and take your life to a whole new level, fast!

Prosperity Power Software ($147 Value)
Subliminal technology is so effective its been banned in advertising. Create subliminals to command your subconscious mind to bring you what you want.
Used by famous athletes, and highly successful people to improve their performance, erase limiting beliefs, and create a success mindset. PC and Mac.

Private Facebook Community (Priceless!)
Get Immediate Access to Our Private Facebook Group - be part of a like-minded community that will help keep you on track and stay motivated.
Communicate and exchange ideas with other members, who are always cheering you on.

The Speed Cash Seminar ($297 Value)
We asked many of the most successful online entrepreneurs from around the world how they would generate $30,000 in 30 days if there lives depended on it.
Over 3 content packed days our experts revealed the exact strategies they would use and how you can copy them.
You get the full 12 DVDs of this life-changing seminar.
You get all these online success trainings and software worth $832 unlocked right now - you get immediate access.
Then, you get access to a NEW online course from me EVERY month for 12 months! (A value of over $3,600!)
Yes, you read that correctly.
Every month we unlock another new success course for you, and you can take the courses AT YOUR OWN PACE while a member.

Here's Just Some of The Courses You'll Be Getting Each Month

The Millionaire Mind Secrets + Ultimate Upgrade ($1,489 value)
The astonishing system that creates the mind of a millionaire. Millionaires think differently, and when you start copying their thought processes, you open the door to unlimited possibilities.
Includes training manual, audiobook, reference guides, and video training. As well as powerful mind programming tools like subliminal audio tracks and software, binaural beats audios, and life-changing success and confidence hypnosis sessions.
Also includes the "Millionaire Bootcamp for Women" internet marketing seminar - 10 DVDs.

High Performance Secrets ($297 value)
How to short-cut your way to success and save yourself 10-15 years of anguish, stress and failure by using high performance success habits that have been scientifically proved to work.
Be a person of high influence and double or even triple your income in the next 12 months.
Boost your energy, increase you focus, and have more enthusiasm, aliveness and joy in as little than 2-minutes.
Save time and energy by learning the secrets of minimum effort - maximum result.

Goal Hacking ($997 value)
Discover the most important goal achievement secrets ever revealed. This revolutionary system allows you to achieve huge goals in a fraction of the time.
Dramatically speed up the achievement of every goal you set.
Transform your career, your finances, your relationships, your health, and your personal life.
Have both the confidence and know-how to achieve anything you want from now on.
People have paid over $3,600 for all these courses. Now you can get them all, delivered one per month, for just $97 $47 right now!
More than 12 courses worth over $3,600. Yours now for $97 $47 monthly membership.
Meet Your Trainer
Mike Pettigrew is a #1 Amazon bestselling author and he has been a serial entrepreneur since 1987.
He has founded, bought, built and sold 18 businesses in many different niches.
Mike is widely recognised as a leading expert in helping ordinary people to achieve extraordinary goals.
You may have seen him on TV, listened to his podcast, or heard him on radio - helping people just like you to live happier and more successful lives.

Mike Pettigrew - bestselling author, serial entrepreneur, and certified high performance coach
Mike has spent over 40 years studying human consciousness, creating successful businesses, and searching for the fundamental principles that can enable anyone to get ahead faster and be more successful.
In THE SECRETS OF SUCCESS Mike gives you the most effective methods for improving your life, achieving your goals, and getting to your next level of success, freedom and wealth.
What's Included?
Here's Your Learning Curriculum for the Next 12 Months!
We created the world's greatest personal and professional success curriculum for you! Don't leave your learning and success to chance! Let us unlock a new training for you every month!
Every month, you'll get a new online course.
THE SECRETS OF SUCCESS includes these courses, which will unlock for you one per month:
- The Millionaire Mind Secrets - my wealth training course ($848 value). The astonishing system that creates the mind of a millionaire. Millionaires think differently to most people, and when you start copying their thought processes, you open the door to unlimited possibilities. Includes training manual, audiobook and reference guides. Also includes the empowering 3-day internet marketing seminar; the "Millionaire Bootcamp for Women". You get the full 10 DVDs!
- The Master Key System success training course ($97 value) - The 7-hour training of the classic 24-week correspondence course created by Charles F. Haanel in 1912. This course was one of the main sources of inspiration for Rhonda Byrne's book and movie The Secret (2006).
- The 30 Day Success Formula - my 6 CD audio program (usually $197) - Get clear on what you want from life and your true purpose, overcome obstacles in your way, and dramatically improve all areas of your life. Create a simple effective plan to accomplish all your goals.
- Change Your Thoughts Transform Your Life ($97 value) - This is my 4-part video course to help you develop greater confidence, unlock your creativity, and quickly transform negative thoughts and emotions - so you can get ahead faster and be more successful.
- The Ultimate Mindset Upgrade ($641 value) - A suite of powerful mind programming tools I've compiled to help you quickly create a wealth mindset and a more abundant life. Includes subliminal audio tracks and software, binaural beats audios, and life-changing success and confidence hypnosis sessions. Also, includes 2 hours 20 minutes of video training, as well as the 12 DVDs of the "Ultimate Passive Income Summit" - 21 ways to make money while you sleep.
- The Most Powerful Success Secrets In The World ($97 value) - In this special training, I will share with you the secrets of the world’s richest and most influential people. Use these secrets and open the door to untold wealth. Its about minimum effort - maximum result, so copy what they do and see your career or business take off.
- The Science of Getting Rich ($97 value) - This audiobook of the classic by Wallace D. Wattles is only 2 hours 45 minutes long yet it can totally change your life. Transform any situation using the power of gratitude, and start magnetising beneficial coincidences into your life. A remarkable bestseller that was the main source material for the book and movie "The Secret". Change your life fast, just like it has already done for millions of people around the world.
- Goal Hacking ($997 value) - My revolutionary accelerated goal achievement system allows you to achieve huge goals in a fraction of the time. Dramatically speed up the achievement of every goal you set. Use it to transform your career, your finances, your relationships, your health, and your personal life. Have both the confidence and know-how to achieve anything you want from now on.
- Finding Your Purpose ($97 value) - This is my training about the (predominantly scientific) evidence for life after death, and what this means for your daily life. Discover the true purpose of life and why you are here. Be more empowered, find greater meaning and purpose in all that you do, and experience greater enthusiasm and excitement in your life from now on.
- Think and Grow Rich - the course ($97 value) - The 11 full hours training from the classic by Napoleon Hill. After almost 100 years its still a number 1 bestseller today, and it's the "granddaddy" of almost every personal development book, training course and seminar on success since 1937. Learn how the world’s most successful people achieve their success and mirror their methods to get anything you want. Also, includes over 2 hours of rare video footage of Napoleon Hill. TOTALLY life changing stuff!
- My High Performance Secrets training ($297 value) - How to short-cut your way to success and save yourself 10-15 years of anguish, stress and failure by using high performance success habits that have been scientifically proved to work. Double or even triple your income in the next 12 months by finally using the scientific route to success.
- Life-Changing Success Secrets of the Top 5% ($97 value) - Discover the simple success secrets of the top 5% so you can get to your next level of abundance and wealth 10 x faster. In this life-changing training I will show you how to overcome all limiting beliefs sabotaging your goals and simple ways to boost your self-image so you can increase your income fast.
Total value $3,659
But that's not all, because you also get LIVE TRAINING with me every single month! ($1,164 value)
It now costs $15,000 to be part of my personal one-on-one success coaching program...But you get LIVE coaching with me EVERY SINGLE MONTH on the most important topics to help you break through to that next level of success, freedom and wealth.
As part of your SECRETS OF SUCCESS Membership you get full access to my live training sessions, where every month I teach direct to camera - the success secrets, habits, tools, and shortcuts...mapping out the blueprint to help you get to that next level of life.
To help you reach that next level of wealth, abundance and income you've always dreamed of.
If you can't attend a live coaching session don't worry! Every session is recorded so you can view it at your own convenience in your member's area. Stay motivated and keep moving forwards!

Here's what we'll cover over the next year in our Live Training sessions...
- MONTH 1: High Performance Fundamentals - discover the secrets of high performers and succeed above and beyond standard norms, consistently over the long term. Powerful techniques that have been scientifically proved to work.
- MONTH 2: Clarity - knowing where you're going and how you're going to get there is crucial. Have far greater clarity, keep focused and intentional every day and achieve all your goals faster.
- MONTH 3: Energy - when you have more energy, you can progress all your projects faster. Gain immediate improvements in the energy you generate and feel every day, and experience more enthusiasm, aliveness and joy.
- MONTH 4: Courage - when you have more courage you can achieve things other people cannot. Discover how to gain greater confidence, decisiveness and momentum in your life, and see all your dreams turn into reality.
- MONTH 5: Productivity - most highly successful people don't work hard - they work smart, and that's the secret to their success. Save time and energy and immediately be more effective and productive each and every day.
- MONTH 6: Influence - if you're not highly influential its hard to achieve your goals. Instantly be more influential in your relationships and career, and experience dramatic improvements at work and in your personal life.
- MONTH 7: Psychology Mastery - how you think determines how successful you are. Develop a free, consciously-directed, positively engaged mind and create the life you were born to live.
- MONTH 8: Physiology Mastery - your mind affects your body and your body affects your mind. Use these simple hacks to instantly gain more energy, enthusiasm, aliveness and joy. Get what you want faster and easier than ever before.
- MONTH 9: Productivity Mastery - you only get 24 hours each day, so there's limited time to progress your goals. Dramatically improve your productivity, eliminate distracting activities, and save both time and energy!
- MONTH 10: Persuasion Mastery - the most persuasive people are always the most successful. Uncover where you need to be more persuasive - then use these advanced persuasion techniques so people actually want to help you!
- MONTH 11: Purpose Mastery - people who are clear on their purpose accomplish amazing things. Discover how to live and lead with even greater purpose and fulfilment, and enjoy a more meaningful life than ever before.
- MONTH 12: High Performance Evaluation - the world's highest performers assess their progress, so they know what to focus on next. Uncover new areas to further enhance and improve your career and personal life.
Oh and in case you're wondering...Yes. Of course there's a money-back guarantee.

In fact, I think it's...

I personally 100% Guarantee you'll love THE SECRETS OF SUCCESS program, as well as all the bonuses and trainings or I'll return every cent and let you keep any bonuses you downloaded anyway.
That's right. You don't even have to send anything back. Just email me within the first 30 days and I'll give you back your money with no questions asked.
How's that for fair?
Why might I be a good coach for you?
Here's what others have said about me:
- "You quickly realize you have the ability to change your life in spite of your circumstances."- Pamela Parker
- "I love how Mike addresses our mindset & the fact that how we think about things truly can either make or break achieving our goals." - Carrie Lowrance
- "He gives you a blueprint for making your life everything you’ve dreamed it could be." - Jim Rodgers
- "Immediately had results just by changing my way of thinking." - Mike Eckles
- "His ideas are simple to understand and implement. He also does a good job of dealing with your internal struggles of manifesting your goals." - Jeff Rodriguez
- While others have written self-help books on this subject, they simply do not compare to the surge of power Mike creates. - Grady Harp
- "I have noticed a change within me. Even my friends around me have noticed it too. If you want a better life, and want to improve the way you think then this is it." - Andrew Leonard

Here's a quick recap of everything you're getting...
- All My Courses $3,659 value - delivered one per month. Discover the success secrets that have been scientifically proved to work. Reach your next level of success, freedom and wealth faster. Stay motivated and keep moving forwards.
- THE SECRETS OF SUCCESS Monthly Live Training $1,164 value - get live success training with me every single month - ask me questions and interact with other members. Use the success secrets of the world's highest achievers and transform your career and personal life forever.
- The Last 4 SECRETS OF SUCCESS Live Trainings $388 value - get off to a running start with these accelerated success coaching sessions. Complete with questions and answers. Unlocked immediately.
- 3 Additional Bonuses $444 value - Prosperity Power subliminal software, the Speed Cash Seminar, and Private Facebook Group community all unlocked for you immediately the moment you sign up.
Total Value $5,636 - yours today for only $97 $47 / month
WARNING: You've got to hurry as this is a limited time offer only!

12 Success Courses $3,640 value + Live Monthly Coaching $1,164 value + Bonuses $832 value. Total Value = $5,636
Yours now for $97 $47 monthly - while offer lasts.
CANCEL ANYTIME! Just $47/month billed automatically, unless you cancel by replying to any of our emails.
By joining our Annual THE SECRETS OF SUCCESS Membership, you save $167 vs the regular monthly billing.