How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back
Everyone has limiting beliefs and they are the number one reason why most people don't achieve their life's biggest dreams.
Everyone has limiting beliefs and they are the number one reason why most people don't achieve their life's biggest dreams.
In this episode you will discover a simple way to find out what's been stopping you from getting what you want, and how to quickly erase limiting beliefs in any area of your life.
Do this simple exercise and improve every area of your life. What was once impossible suddenly becomes possible.
Find Out More: www.Goal-Hacking.com
Video Information
Video Time: 14:42
In this episode you will discover a simple way to find out what's been stopping you from getting what you want, and how to quickly erase limiting beliefs in any area of your life.

00:00 Hi, this is Mike Pettigrew, serial entrepreneur and author of the number one Amazon bestseller, the most powerful goal achievement system in the world. And in this short video, I want to show you how to overcome limiting beliefs holding you back because let's face it, we all have limiting beliefs through our conditioning and painful experiences that we've gone through in the past. We all have these beliefs that we aren't worthy enough, that we're not capable. We all have, uh, all these, uh, mostly subconscious beliefs that hold us back. And limiting beliefs are actually the number one reason why people don't achieve their goals. And unfortunately, most people never discover what their limiting beliefs are so they can't achieve their goals. So this is so important. If you want to achieve amazing things in your life, you've got to discover what your current limiting beliefs are and then overcome them.
00:59 This is a very short excerpt, very short extract from my new accelerated goal achievement training system. It's called Goal Hacking. And if you are interested in finding out more, go to www.goal-hacking.com. So let's get straight into this. Short this short video, so overcome the limiting beliefs holding you back. You have been conditioned by other people and your past experiences from the time we're born - from the time we come into this world, we're conditioned by our parents or brothers, sisters, teachers, friends, everyone's telling us about what we can expect and what we shouldn't expect and advertising and religions and governments, all our life we are being conditioned by other people were being told what to believe and a lot of this conditioning is absolutely incorrect and it's this conditioning that stops people achieving their goals. And what compounds this even more is when you have major setbacks in life, you have dreams and they don't come to fruition or you experience relationships gone wrong.
02:18 Careers that don't go the way you planned, that also gives you - that also creates limiting beliefs within yourself that holds you back because you don't want to be disappointed. You don't want to fail again. So we have all these limiting beliefs mainly we're not even aware of them. They're rattling around in our subconscious minds, but they have fundamental effects on what we can achieve and not achieve during your life. And also conditioning is your chance of success. As I just said, it's the number one thing that stops you getting to the next level of success, the next level of freedom, abundance and achieving your goals and your limiting beliefs of power. They have power, but they can be changed. Just - limiting beliefs are so powerful in a negative way. In fact, this is Henry Ford's, the creator of the first automobiles. And he said, whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right, your beliefs determine everything, not just your conscious beliefs, but your subconscious beliefs are more powerful than anything because you're not really aware of them.
03:28 And because they repeat so often. You know what? If you repeat the same thought with emotion, it affects your subconscious mind. It's like you're programming your mind. And if you repeat the same thoughts with emotions again and again and again, it's like a groove is created on a, on a record. It's like you are programming your mind. To repeat that same thought. If you constantly have the same thoughts and the same emotions it wrecks havoc in what you can achieve. It wrecks havoc, but it's also possible to program your mind in a positive way, introduce new thoughts with new positive emotions and that has major effects on your life and in my goal, hiking a course online training system, I go into how to do this and its very very simple, very effective, so you must overcome your limiting beliefs to be really successful and to achieve the things that you yearn for.
04:28 You must overcome them. If you don't, then things just continue. In fact, generally I think we see this in life. People become more of the same as people age, they, they become their habits and patterns becoming ingrained unless we do something about it. Okay, and really, really, it's like being reborn. What was impossible suddenly becomes possible when you discover your limiting beliefs. When you erase those limiting beliefs, what was impossible suddenly becomes possible. It's like opening big, huge, big doors that had been shut for decades. They're suddenly flung open and you can achieve literally anything, literally anything, all the things you thought were impossible can become possible once you get rid of these limiting beliefs. So I improved my own self worth back in 1991 and it changed everything. I had these limiting beliefs about I wasn't worthy, I had very low, low confidence, um, very low self esteem.
05:35 My self worth was really low and my first years in business. First, first few years in business it was like a financial rollercoaster. If there was a lot of times I didn't have enough money to eat properly and I got sick of this, but through a series of events, everything was pointing to the reason for my financial roller coaster was due to my low self worth, my low self value. I didn't charge my clients enough because I didn't think I was worth it. I would hate to ask them for payment for the services we were providing to them because I had low self worth. But I changed that. I reached a financial crisis, a brick wall where I owed our suppliers more in the next month than was going to come in in the next two months from our, our our clients.
06:31 So that was the end that was bankruptcy and I was going to fold up the business. I'd go on social welfare and then I realized if I did that, I just have wasted four years of blood, sweat and tears. Really hard work to create a business. But in other ways was succeeding very well, just not financially. So with all these experiences that I, all these things that I experienced showing, pointing to me, but I've low self worth, I decided to do a little experiment. I decided to double my prices. It was my last ditch attempt to rescue the business and my livelihood. I thought I'd lose half my clients. Because doubling prices - that's a big jump. And you know what? Every single one of them said yes. And two of them told me, we thought you were charging us far too little for the amazing services you provided.
07:26 So I couldn't see my own worth, but other people could. So that was the first thing I changed. Then I, I started doing other things to appreciate myself more, value myself more, not just doubling my prices, but everything changed from that point forwards and my business started to make great profit. And you know, several years later I was able to only work a day and a half a week and I did...spent nearly all my time doing voluntary work, healing type work and hospice volunteer work. I used to sit with people who were dying. And it was amazing. It was amazing. But it all changed - everything became possible when I improved my own self value. So rooting out your limiting beliefs, becoming aware of them and changing them forever will enable you to write your ticket to anything you want. So I've a simple little exercise - how you can overcome your limiting beliefs.
08:23 So this is, this is, um, this, it is two steps in, uh, firstly how to overcome your limiting belief. Sorry. First of all, there's two steps. The first one is becoming aware of your limiting beliefs. And the second one is erasing them. And this is a really simple technique and I covered in more detail in my Goal Hacking online training, but you'll get the gist of it. So first of all, to uncover your limiting beliefs. You're not looking for limiting beliefs that you're already consciously aware of. You're looking for your subconscious limiting beliefs, the beliefs that you're not even aware of right now. So you to do this, you read the sentence aloud, I can't become or achieve something, whatever your goal is, because let's, let's use wealth as an example because a lot of people have really negative subconscious beliefs surrounding wealth. So this is common to most people.
09:29 So in this case we'd say, "I can't become rich because" and then you quickly, quickly as you can, the first thing that comes to your mind quickly, write out a single reason why it's not possible for you. And I've heard people coming up with amazing things, the instant responses, I can't become rich because money doesn't grow on trees. In other words, they have this subconscious belief that there is a lack in our abundant world. Or "I can't become rich because rich people are greedy". Well, that's a big one. That'll hold you back from getting to the next step, the next level of wealth and freedom. Or "I can't become rich because everybody would hate me". Another big reason why you can't achieve wealth, you know, so you do, you do this, you repeat these two steps until you've uncovered 10 limiting beliefs. As I say, you need to do this part of the exercise really fast because you need the instant responses that are coming from your subconscious mind.
10:31 You're not using your rational thinking mind here. If you use your rational thinking mind, this will not work for you. So you need to do this really quickly. So once you've uncovered 10 limiting beliefs, in this case surrounding wealth, but it can be any area of your life, whatever your goal is, whatever area of life you feel you're being held back in, use this exercise. So once you, you've, you have uncovered 10 limiting beliefs, you give each of those limiting beliefs a score anywhere between one and 10 okay? And those that you feel quite strongly, emotionally connected to, even if you can't figure out why they have it an emotional feeling attached to them, give them a high number, seven, eight, nine, 10. Of the limiting beliefs that you have that you don't feel very connected to rate them low, one, two, three, four or whatever.
11:28 Okay, so that's the first step there. And you also, you select the four limiting beliefs with the highest scores, the four limiting beliefs with the high scores because you can be guaranteed that those four limiting beliefs are definitely holding you back right now, providing, you've done this exercise really fast. Now, the second part of the exercise you need to do slow. Here's where you can and must use your rational, logical thinking mind. Okay? So you've uncovered your limiting beliefs. This is how you know, overcome very simple works like gangbusters. This can change your life, I promise you this can change your life. So to overcome the limiting beliefs you've uncovered, slowly write out as many reasons as possible that counteract, each of these four limiting beliefs using this sentence "I CAN become or achieve because"... in this case, riches. So it would be, "I can become rich because"...so if you'd written rich people are greedy as an example, you might write, "I put..if you wrote down, "I can't become rich because money doesn't grow on trees". ..you could write a counteracting belief; "I can become rich because we live in a world of abundance and there's plenty to go around". Something like that. So you're creating opposites.
13:03 Now select the single most empowering reason that counteracts each one of your four limiting beliefs. So for each of your four limiting beliefs, find the most powerful reason that will contract them. Okay? And finally, the final step. You convert each of these empowering reasons into separate affirmations. Separate affirmations and repeat them daily while triggering your goal anchor. Now, what are affirmations? Well if you, if you want to download 356 affirmations for free, they're like templates that you can use to create your own affirmations.
13:39 Uh, you can go to achieve goals fast.com and you can download, uh, the 356 affirmations. There is a template. So this, as I say, is a brief, uh, extract from my Goal Hacking online course. I'm really proud of it - this is a course that can change your life. If you want to achieve your goals, if you want to achieve your life's biggest dreams, if you have a really big vision for your life, but you're not quite sure where to start - or if you've used goal achievement systems in the past, and they just haven't worked for you - this system will change your life, providing you use the steps. It's a really short, simple, concise system that can change your life. And if you, if you would like to find out more details, simply go to www.goal-hacking.com. Thank you so much for joining me and watching this video and I look forward to speaking with you again very soon. Bye Bye.
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The New Amazon Bestseller: from author Mike Pettigrew

From the Back Cover...
Many years ago, author Mike Pettigrew started a quest to find answers to these three questions:
1. Why do some people achieve their goals far more quickly than others, and are able to create extraordinary lives?
2. Of those who manage to succeed, why are some miserable while others are consistently happy?
3. What key factors can allow anyone to create a life of deep meaning and purpose?
After decades of studying human consciousness, creating successful businesses, and achieving huge personal and business goals, Mike Pettigrew found the answers he was seeking.
It turns out that there are just seven steps that allow you to achieve any goal more quickly. Anyone can follow these simple steps, and when they do amazing things start happening in their careers, relationships and personal lives.
To achieve your goals faster you must know exactly what you want, charge your goals with powerful emotion, set specific goal deadlines, program your subconscious mind, plan effectively, use the same habits as the world's highest performers, and overcome your limiting beliefs.
Whether you want to achieve your life's biggest goals, get more done, eliminate stress and burnout, or dramatically increase your sense of joy, confidence and fulfilment, this book can help you to achieve it faster and more simply than you may have ever thought possible.
Each of the seven steps are easy to understand and put into practice. They are also supported by background material that helps you appreciate the importance of each step, as well as six "magnifiers" you can use to greatly speed up your results.
If you've ever wanted a practical easy to use guide that allows you to achieve a far happier and more successful life, then this book contains everything you need.
A link to free training that helps you to put the seven steps into action is included in the book, and it demonstrates some of the new skills you will discover in these pages.
You Will Learn:
- Why you absolutely must set goals
- Secret habits of the world's most successful people
- How to achieve any goal ten times faster
- Amazing new ways to program your mind for success
- How to finally discover your life's true purpose
- Ways that guarantees success where others normally fail
- What you must do to create happiness and fulfillment
- How to use your subconscious to get anything you want
- Simple ways to generate creativity and new ideas
- The world's most powerful goal achievement system
About the Author:
Mike Pettigrew is a bestselling Irish author and has been a successful entrepreneur since he was a teenager. He has founded, bought, built and sold more than 15 businesses, and is widely recognised as an expert in helping ordinary people to achieve extraordinary goals. You may have seen him on TV, listened to his podcast, or heard him on radio - helping people to live happier and more successful lives.
Mike is also the creator of several products, courses and coaching programs that can help anyone to create the life they have always yearned for. These include: * The 30 Day Success Formula, * The Millionaire Mind Secrets, * Change Your Thoughts - Transform Your Life!, * the Ultimate Success Club group coaching program, and * Certified High Performance Coaching.

Mike Pettigrew - entrepreneur and bestselling author