5 Easy Ways to Overcome Procrastination
Have you ever found yourself putting off things that you should be doing today?
Have you ever found yourself putting off things that you should be doing today? If so, you are definitely not alone because everyone procrastinates some of the time.
However, if you are doing it a lot, then it could be causing you more problems than you may imagine.
In this short video you will discover 5 simple ways to overcome procrastination once and for all.
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Video Time: 04:29
Have you ever found yourself putting off things that you should be doing today? If so, you are definitely not alone because everyone procrastinates some of the time.

Hi, this is Mike Pettigrew - bestselling author and serial entrepreneur since 1987 and I help ordinary people to achieve extraordinary goals, but possibly not in the way you might think. Now, a lot of people come to me and they tell me, Mike, I keep putting stuff off all of the time. I know what this is like because I've experienced it myself. I used to do this a lot in the past, and when you constantly procrastinate, it leads to a lot of suffering, a lot of self-deprecation and blame and it's like a burden that just accumulates on your shoulders all the time. But there's a better way and I'll share some tips with you in a moment, but before we get into that, I just wanted to say that if you are ready to get to your next level of abundance, success, freedom, and wealth, check out my Ultimate Success Club at achievegoalsfast.com/USC. So what do you do if you're always procrastinating - how can you change that?
Well, the first tip I have for you is to ask yourself, will it be easier to do that task later by putting it off? Or will it be easier to do it right away or as soon as possible? Now, you may find that it will be easier to do the task later if someone else that's not available right now can help you with it later on. So that's quite a valid reason. But asking yourself this question, every time you have a tendency to procrastinate something, ask yourself, will it be easier or more difficult by delaying? So that's number one. And number two is committing yourself to block time, to block out time in your calendar to do each of those tasks that you don't particularly want to do, that you keep putting off. Unless you schedule it on your calendar, chances are you'll keep putting it off.
So that's number two and tip number three is to give yourself a reward for completing that task because you know what? We all need to be incentivized to do things that we don't particularly want to do, but we've got to do anyway. So give yourself some sort of a reward for completing the task. It's almost like a carrot to a horse. It pulls you forwards and helps you get those things that you don't particularly want to do done fast. And tip number four is to get an accountability partner. If you' find that you're putting stuff off a lot- that's a pattern in your life, then find a friend who you can get to commit to calling you once a week to make sure you've moved those projects forward and you can do the same for them. Having an accountability partner who you don't want to let down is great because it just means that you get things done that you would have the tendency to put it off.
And accountability partners are really important. So that's tip number four and tip number five. I don't think you'll like this one, but it's really effective. Every morning do the things you've got to do, but you don't want to do. Do them first. Do them first. So why would you do that? Why would you want to start the day doing things you don't like? Well, you know what? It frees up your energy. You feel so good about yourself after doing those unpleasant things first, clearing them out of the way. It frees up your energy, it gives you more power, gives you more energy and life force. But as long as you keep putting them off and - it just, you have an accumulation. It's like you're being weighed down all of the time by all these different chores, but get the unpleasant things out of the way first and you'll find - you'll be able to achieve all sorts of things that you wouldn't have been able to achieve otherwise.
When you're energy - when, you have more energy. So I hope this has helped you. If you are ready to get to your next level of success, abundance, freedom, and wealth, check out the Ultimate Success Club at achievegoalsfast.com/USC. Because every month I go live for people all around the world and I teach success strategies, tools, and techniques that absolutely work. In fact, they've been scientifically proved to work, so no guesswork needed here. If you want to achieve substantial success in your life, you've got to use a system that works. You've got to use strategies, tools, and techniques that have been proved to work. So thank you so much for watching. I look forward to speaking with you again very soon. Bye. Bye.
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The New Amazon Bestseller: from author Mike Pettigrew

From the Back Cover...
Many years ago, author Mike Pettigrew started a quest to find answers to these three questions:
1. Why do some people achieve their goals far more quickly than others, and are able to create extraordinary lives?
2. Of those who manage to succeed, why are some miserable while others are consistently happy?
3. What key factors can allow anyone to create a life of deep meaning and purpose?
After decades of studying human consciousness, creating successful businesses, and achieving huge personal and business goals, Mike Pettigrew found the answers he was seeking.
It turns out that there are just seven steps that allow you to achieve any goal more quickly. Anyone can follow these simple steps, and when they do amazing things start happening in their careers, relationships and personal lives.
To achieve your goals faster you must know exactly what you want, charge your goals with powerful emotion, set specific goal deadlines, program your subconscious mind, plan effectively, use the same habits as the world's highest performers, and overcome your limiting beliefs.
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You Will Learn:
- Why you absolutely must set goals
- Secret habits of the world's most successful people
- How to achieve any goal ten times faster
- Amazing new ways to program your mind for success
- How to finally discover your life's true purpose
- Ways that guarantees success where others normally fail
- What you must do to create happiness and fulfillment
- How to use your subconscious to get anything you want
- Simple ways to generate creativity and new ideas
- The world's most powerful goal achievement system
About the Author:
Mike Pettigrew is a bestselling Irish author and has been a successful entrepreneur since he was a teenager. He has founded, bought, built and sold more than 15 businesses, and is widely recognised as an expert in helping ordinary people to achieve extraordinary goals. You may have seen him on TV, listened to his podcast, or heard him on radio - helping people to live happier and more successful lives.
Mike is also the creator of several products, courses and coaching programs that can help anyone to create the life they have always yearned for. These include: * The 30 Day Success Formula, * The Millionaire Mind Secrets, * Change Your Thoughts - Transform Your Life!, * the Ultimate Success Club group coaching program, and * Certified High Performance Coaching.

Mike Pettigrew - entrepreneur and bestselling author