Don’t Just Go With The Flow!
We often hear people saying that we should simply go with the flow and everything will turn out just fine. However, what many of these people don’t realize is that when we simply go with the flow we can end up giving in to our negative inner voice which just loves to dominate our lives…
Coming Soon: The 30 Day Success Formula
Find out all about “The 30 Day Success Formula”, my new 6 CD Training Program which will be available very soon!
How to Become Happy
Discover all the main factors that go into creating real lasting happiness. Find out exactly what you need to do in order to become truly happy and fulfilled long-term.
Discover Your Own Purpose in Life
Learn how to find your true purpose in life so you can live your life with more purpose and meaning. The purpose of all human life is twofold and we can discover it easily allowing us to live a fuller richer life of happiness and fulfillment.
The Power of Belief
Beliefs can have have a terribly limiting factor on our lives or they can enable us to create the life of our dreams. In this video you will learn about the power of your beliefs and how they can shape your experiences.
Make Determinations that Create Results
Have you found yourself at the end of year, looking back over the year and wondering why you didn’t achieve all those determinations you set out to achieve in January? If so you’re definitely not alone! You see determinations are an incredibly important part of life and in fulfilling our dreams and in becoming happy.…
How to Overcome Fear
Today I would like to talk with you about fear. Fear is quite important to us, even though it may not be very pleasant. The acronym for fear is: Friendly energy announcing risk So in and of itself, fear is neither good nor bad but it can work both positively in life and negatively. For…
The Transformative Power of Gratitude
Hi my name is Mike Pettigrew and today I want to talk with you about the power of gratitude and specifically how it can help us transform lives and achieve whatever we wish. Some years ago I went through a truly painful experience where I lost everything. Prior to this, I had been very successful…