Mark Macy
Researcher involved full-time in Spirit Communication using TechnologyEVP and ITC
Afterlife Communication using Technology
Amazing though it may seem there are numerous groups around the world conducting experiments in Afterlife communication using electronic means.
For many years now, thousands of people around the world have discovered on audio tape recordings, voices that were unheard while the recording was being made. This phenomenon is known as EVP or Electronic Voice Phenomenon.
Instrumental Transcommunication
Technology has come a long way since the early days of EVP. During the past few years some groups have even been receiving moving television pictures and sound from the Afterlife. This is known as Instrumental Transcommunication or ITC.
You can Experiment !
The easiest method for anyone to try to record spirit voices is using an ordinary tape-recorder recording the hiss from Medium Wave radio that is tuned between stations.
Having placed the intent to have a communication, one should speak aloud the question one wants answered. The cassette recorder should be switched on to record the hiss from the radio (also known as white noise). After recording this hiss for a period of minutes, the tape can be replayed and listened to carefully. It may take a number of times before these voices can be recorded. However if one's intention is correct and the desire is strong these spirit voices can often be caught on tape.
Listen to an example
Here you can listen to a fascinating recording of a communication between Mark Macy in the US and a scientist who is living in the Afterlife. These two gentlemen, one alive and the other Deceased have been working together for some years on these ITC projects. They have had great success to date.
For more information on Mark Macy's work and his wonderful book Miracles in the Storm, visit his website, www.worlditc.org
You can read about science’s view on this fascinating subject and a history of EVP & ITC by clicking on the blue navigation buttons on the left.